

August 1, 2024

Translations: Russian


Note: The historical details are to the best of my knowledge, but I am not sure about them.

V2ray originally started out with Vmess-TCP only. Over time, Vmess got detected, and v2ray added some functionality to wrap the underlying TCP socket in additional layers.

  • One of these layers are transports, the main point of this document.

  • The other one may be some kind of mux, depending on which fork of v2ray you use.

  • TLS is not a “real” layer. The settings are passed into transport code, and the transport can do whatever it wants with it. However, all transports treat tlsSettings in almost the same way, and in fact call the same helper functions.

Anyway, back to transports.

Transports in v2ray are anything that can emulate (or wrap) a bidirectional pipe between server and client. TCP sockets are just that, but it doesn’t have to be TCP, or even based on TCP. It just has to be something that transmits bytes in-order from client to server without losing them, and the other way around.

After this pipe is provided, any bytes can be sent through it. V2ray would send VMESS, Vless or Trojan over it, but for the sake of simplicity we’re going to ignore those protocols entirely and just send some lines of text back and forth.


You will understand this article better if you follow and execute its examples, and play around with them yourself.

You need a Linux terminal. All of what I write here has been done on Ubuntu 24, but it shouldn’t matter. You can use WSL or VirtualBox if you are on Windows, or run these tests over SSH on some VPS.

Our first transport

We’re going to use some Linux commands to showcase what transports can do. Let’s get started with something simple.

Open a terminal and type this:

nc -l localhost 6003  # server

and in another terminal:

nc localhost 6003  # client

If you don’t have nc, on Ubuntu you can install it with sudo apt install netcat.

Write some lines in one terminal and watch them appear on the other. It works in both directions.

This command is equivalent to “TCP transport” in v2ray. You can substitute host and port in the client command to test if a TCP port is open.


WebSockets are a HTTP-based protocol to literally do the same thing as a TCP socket. The main difference is that:

  1. WebSocket is adding large HTTP-based handshake at the beginning of the connection. This is useful for cookies, authentication, serving multiple “WebSocket services” under different HTTP paths, and for enforcing that a website can only open connections to its own Origin, instead of random hosts.

    For the purpose of building transports, some of those features, particularly path-based routing, are pretty useful, but the additional back-and-forth at the beginning adds additional latency.

  2. WebSocket does not transmit bytes, but “messages”. In TCP, Write("hello world") means that hello world is sent. But in WebSocket, actually <frame header>hello world is sent. For the purpose of building transports, this design is useless overhead.

The reason we put up with both of these things is because certain CDN can forward WebSockets as-is.

If nc is basically a TCP transport, then tools like websocat are basically a WebSocket transport. Install websocat for the next steps by following the instructions on its README.

In fact, those tools are very useful to test whether websocket is listening correctly on a particular path:

curl  # is a valid HTTP service...
websocat wss://  # ...but not actually websocket! this fails

If websocat fails on your v2ray server but curl can open it, it probably means you messed up some path settings somewhere.

To get a local test server like with the previous nc example, you can do this:

websocat -s 6003  # server
websocat ws://localhost:6003  # client

Once again you can send random lines of text back and forth.

Since WebSocket is just HTTP/1.1, and HTTP/1.1 is just TCP, we can even point websocat against nc to dump the initial handshake:

nc -l localhost 6003  # server
websocat ws://localhost:6003  # client

When you run the second command, it will actually print:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:6003
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: MOIjFT7/cVsCCr95mkpCtg==

This is some of the overhead of WebSockets. The client is still waiting for a response. So let’s extract the response too.

Kill both commands with Ctrl-C, and start websocat -s 6003 as server.

Take the above text, and send it directly with nc:

echo 'GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:6003
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: MOIjFT7/cVsCCr95mkpCtg==
' | unix2dos | nc localhost 6003 | cat -v
  1. echo just prints the data
  2. unix2dos converts line-endings, because HTTP/1.1 expects \r\n instead of \n
  3. nc sends the data to the server and prints out the response
  4. cat -v makes special characters (or rather, non-character bytes) visible.

You will see the response:

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols^M
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HKN6nOSb0JT0jWhszYuKJPUPpHg=^M
Connection: Upgrade^M
Upgrade: websocket^M

After this, you can send data from the server to the client by typing into its terminal window. Type hello into the websocat server, and observe on the client:


The garbage in front is WebSocket message framing.

Sending data client-to-server does not work, because WebSocket expects that data is wrapped in this additional message framing.

WebSocket 0-RTT

(getting rid of connection handshake overhead)

Where regular TCP just does its handshake, WebSocket sends a HTTP request and waits for the response. This additional latency is very visible, especially in this flow:

  1. TCP handshake
  2. Send HTTP request
  3. Wait for HTTP response and read it
  4. Send VLESS instruction to connect to some website
  5. Wait for the answer and read it

Send a little bit of data, wait, send a little bit of data again, wait again.

It would be faster to send a lot of data, and then wait for a lot of data:

  1. TCP handshake (can’t avoid it… for now…)
  2. Send HTTP request together with the first VLESS instruction to connect to
  3. Wait for the HTTP response and the first bytes of the body at once

If we can achieve this, it would be 1 less roundtrip.

Xray and Sing-Box implement this idea under the name Early Data or sometimes “0-RTT” in changelogs and PRs. Early data is just whatever data the client wants to write at Step 2.

  • Sing-Box by default sends it as part of the URL, but can be configured to use any header name (base64-encoded value).

  • In Xray, this is always sent as Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header. There is a pretty obscure reason called Browser Dialer for this particular choice of header.

It can be said that sending this data in the URL is more compatible with HTTP proxies, but headers have more capacity for larger data.

This mostly solves the latency concerns around WebSockets.


(getting rid of data framing overhead)

Remember? When you send hello in WebSocket, this is actually transmitted:


What’s with all this garbage at the front? That’s just a waste of bandwidth. We previously said the WebSocket standard requires this.

But it actually turns out that many CDN do not care if you send actual WebSocket data over a WebSocket connection. After the first HTTP request and HTTP response, it seems the socket can be used directly without any overhead at all.

This is the entire idea behind HTTPUpgrade. Originally this kind of transport was designed by Tor under the name HTTPT, some time after v2ray added WebSocket. Later v2fly ported it as a new transport, then it got copied to Xray.

So the transmission becomes this. From the client:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:6003
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: MOIjFT7/cVsCCr95mkpCtg==

Then, a response from the server:

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HKN6nOSb0JT0jWhszYuKJPUPpHg=
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket

…and then, it’s used directly as a normal TCP connection, like the first nc example.

HTTPUpgrade 0-RTT

(getting rid of both issues)

It works the same way as WebSocket 0-RTT. Now both annoyances of WebSocket are eliminated: The handshake overhead (mostly), and the message overhead (entirely)

Intermission: Changing learning methods

Until this point, tools like nc and websocat were sufficient to build some understanding about how those transports work. That was easy enough to do because WebSocket and TCP are very standardized and not some strange invention by anti-censorship researchers.

For the next few transports, it is more difficult to emulate them with standard tools, and we need some inspection tools to keep learning.

Install mitmproxy for the next steps. I am using Mitmproxy: 10.0.0, but for as long as you are not on Debian stable, I think any version will do fine.

After this, let’s try looking at some websocket requests. Run these commands in separate terminals:

  1. websocat -s 3002
  2. mitmproxy --mode reverse:http://localhost:3002 -p 3001
  3. websocat ws://localhost:3001

Instead of websocat talking to websocat directly, it talks to mitmproxy, and mitmproxy logs and forwards all traffic.

As before, you can enter messages on both ends. In the mitmproxy window, you can hit Enter to view the HTTP request, then hit Tab to switch to the WebSocket Messages tab. Hit q to get back to the list of requests, and q, then y to exit the inspector.

Next let’s look at SplitHTTP, just because this one is HTTP-based and a good target for mitmproxy.


I’ve done my best at a high-level explanation in the official Xray docs, so I’m not even going to try to explain how this protocol works, just tell you how to intercept its traffic and see what it does.

There is no such thing as websocat for SplitHTTP, but actually you can build a tool like this with xray. In other words, you can use Xray transports without VLESS or Vmess. Just raw data.

For the next steps you need to download xray. The core, without any GUI. Go to Xray Releases, and most likely you need or

Save as client.json:

  "log": {
    "access": "/dev/stdout",
    "error": "/dev/stdout",
    "loglevel": "debug"
  "inbounds": [
      "tag": "dkd",
      "listen": "",
      "port": 5999,
      "protocol": "dokodemo-door",
      "settings": {
        "address": "",
        "port": 6000,
        "network": "tcp"
  "outbounds": [
      "protocol": "freedom",
      "streamSettings": {
        "network": "splithttp"

Save as server.json:

  "log": {
    "access": "/dev/stdout",
    "error": "/dev/stdout",
    "loglevel": "debug"
  "inbounds": [
      "tag": "dkd",
      "listen": "",
      "port": 6001,
      "protocol": "dokodemo-door",
      "settings": {
        "address": "",
        "port": 6002,
        "network": "tcp"
      "streamSettings": {
        "network": "splithttp"
  "outbounds": [
    {"protocol": "freedom"}

Launch, all in separate terminals again:

  1. xray -c client.json
  2. xray -c server.json
  3. mitmproxy --mode reverse:http://localhost:6001 -p 6000 --set stream_large_bodies=0m
  4. nc -l 6002
  5. nc localhost 5999

The traffic flow client-to-server is now this:

(nc localhost 5999) -> port 5999 (xray client) -> port 6000 (mitmproxy)
-> port 6001 (xray server) -> nc -l 6002)

In this setup, xray (client) acts as a port forwarder, but when forwarding the traffic, it is encoded as splithttp. Then in mitmproxy you can check out how SplitHTTP works. In xray (server) SplitHTTP is decoded again and the unwrapped contents is forwarded to nc -l 6002.

Enter hello into nc localhost 5999, hit Enter key, and see what happens in mitmproxy. Xray (client) should send a GET and a POST request. Navigate to the POST request with your arrow keys, and you should see Content-Length: 6. This is hello plus a newline.

Notice that the GET request has not finished yet (there is no response time in the rightmost column). Anything you type into nc -l 6002 will be streamed through this never-ending HTTP response. If you kill the nc commands, the GET request finishes.

Unfortunately due to the stream_large_bodies option, all request and response bodies seem to be missing in mitmproxy, at least on my machine.



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